An Argentine Family Enjoys New and Old Sightseeing Spots in Yokohama Bay Area.

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Date & Time: Saturday, February 10, 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Spots: The Landmark Tower Yokohama, Yokohama Chinatown, Yamashita Park, Redbrick Warehouse, and Yokohama Cosmoworld.
Visitors: An Argentine family of five
Attendant: 1 KSGG member
Language: Spanish
A happy family who visited various places using a rental car chose Yokohama and Kamakura as the last destinations just before going back to their county.
After looking down at the city from the Landmark Tower Yokohama observation deck and learning the history of Yokohama, they had a shopping time for the girls who were anime lovers. They enjoyed shopping at Pokemon Center, Jump shop, and Ghibli shop and strolled to Yokohama Chinatown via Kannai Area. One of the three daughters was a vegetarian, and another one was a vegan. So I had a hard time finding the best place for lunch, and we had lunch at a Taiwanese vegetarian restaurant. After lunch we enjoyed the atmosphere of Yokohama Chinatown by visiting Kanteibyo Temple and Masobyo Temple. Through Yamashita Park, we went to Redbrick Warehouse, where they enjoyed seeing elaborate fake plastic food at the food sample shop. We passed by Cup Noodles Museum saying “As we are with vegetarians, we can’t visit that museum” and headed for Minato Mirai Station. But we stopped at Cosmo World, and finished up our colorful trip with a little scary roller coaster.